
Day 1
Practice singing your favorite song you have learned from music class or your kindergarten classroom.
Sing it for someone else.
Write the name of the song on the line below OR draw me a picture of what happens in the song.
I sang ____________________________.


Day 2
Listen to or think of a song you like.  Sing it if you can!
Create a dance move for the song.
Describe or draw a picture of the dance move below.
♫ Write the name of the song on the line below.
I danced to ________________________.

Day 3

♫      Find an object in your house that makes noise (but is not breakable).  This will be your “instrument.” J
       Listen to (or sing) a song that you like.  While listening/singing, play your “instrument” to the beat of the song.
       Write the name of the song and what you used for an instrument on the lines below.

I listened to ___________________________.

My “instrument” was a ___________________.

Great work!

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